Dova za početak Islamske nove godine 1441 (Petak 30.08.19. iza akšam-namaza) Dua for the start of Islamic New Year (1st Day of Muharram)
From the Kanzu-n Najah wa-s Surur of Sheikh Abdul Hamid b. Muhammad Ali Quds
Translation (Bosnian)
Sa imenom Allaha, svima Milostivog, Samilosnog. Neka je blagoslov i mir na našeg sejjida Muhammeda a.s., njegovu porodicu i ashabe. Dragi Allahu, Ti si Prvi, bez početka. Zahvaljujući Tvojim blagodatima i darežljivosti, evo nas na pragu još jedne nove godine. Ja Te molim da me u njoj zaštitiš nesalomljivim štitom od zla, pakosti i zamki prokletog šejtana, njegovih saveznika i vojski. Pomozi me protiv duše moje sklone zlu, koja me nahuškava na duhovno srljanje, neposlušnost i grijeh. Pomozi da budem zauzet onim što će me približiti Tebi, o vlasniče bezuvjetne veličine i plemenitosti. Neka su blagoslov i mir na Poslanika Muhammeda a.s. kojem za savršen moral i etiku nije bilo potrebno da zna ni čitati ni pisati, na njegovu porodicu i ashabe. Neka je hvala Gospodaru svjetova.
Translation (English)
In the name of Allah, the Universally Merciful, the Singularly Compassionate. And blessings and peace be upon our liege-lord Muhammad, his family and companions. O Allah, Thou are the First from All Eternity. By Thou great bounty and generosity, this is the dawn of another new year. (So) I beseech Thee at this hour to bestow upon me (a) an impregnable shield from the malevolent plots of the accursed Satan, his allies and his foot-soldiers and (b) assist over the evil-self that incites to deviation, disobedience, and sin and (c) to engage in that which brings proximity to Thee. O possessor of Supreme Majesty and Unrivalled Generosity. And blessings and peace be upon the unlettered Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.
Bismi Llâhi-r raḥmâni-r raḥîm, wa sṣalla Llâhu ‘alâ sayyidinâ Muḥammadin wa ‘alâ âlihi wa sṣahḥbihi wa sallam, Allâhumma anta-l abadiyyu-l qadîmu-l awwal, wa ‘alâ fadḍlika-l aẓîmi wa karami jûdika-l mu’awwali, wa hâdhâ âmun jadîdun qad aqbal, as’aluka-l ‘iṣmata fîhi mina-sh shaiṭâni wa awliyâ’ihi wa junûdihi, wa-l ‘awna ‘alâ hâdhihi-n nafsi-l ammârati bi-s sû’i, wa-l ishtighâla bimâ yuqarribunî ilaika zulfâ, yâ dha-l jalâli wa-l ikrâmi, wa ṣalla Llâhu ‘alâ sayyidinâ Muḥammadini-n nabiyyi-l ummiyyi wa ‘alâ âlihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallam.
Kada i kako se uči?
Pobožni (Salihuni) ovu dovu uče 3 puta iza akšam-namaza prvog dana Muharrema, što odgovara zalasku sunca u petak, 30. avgusta.
Best Practice(s) To Recite
The pious (salihin) recites this supplication 3 times after sunset prayers (maghrib) on the first day of Muharram.
Koristi dove
Neki Allahovi štićenici (evlije) su kazali da se učenjem ove dove postiže to da Allah dž.š. odredi dva meleka da učača dove u novoj godini zaštiti od bilo kakvog velikog grijeha.
Benefits of this Supplication
Some saints (awliya) have said that reciting this supplication will result in Allah, Most High, assigning two Angels to protect the reciter from committing any (major) sins.
Dova se može naći u:
This supplication can be found in:
Kanzu-n najahi wa-s surur
by: Al-‘Allamah Al-Shaikh ‘Abdul Hamid b. Muhammad ‘Ali Quds
by: Shaikh Dr. Thaika Shu’aib al-Kirkari al-Siddiqi
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